The Christian Community Hub Inc. Annual General Meeting
Held at 7pm on Monday 24th February 2025 at the Hub, 83 Murray St, Tanunda.
All welcome.
Where: Lyndoch Lutheran Church
The Southern Barossa has an Emergency Food Hub at Lyndoch Lutheran Church which will help support families in need in the region.
If you or someone you know, would like to access meals at the Lyndoch Hub here are the contacts:
Wendy Liebelt 0407 244 985
Angela Lange 0416 745 950
Jo Herrmann 0458 065 422
Thursday 27 February 2025 7.30pm, SA Daylight Saving Time
139 Archer St, North Adelaide SA 5006.
All welcome, supper included, $5 Donation
Speaker - David Hilliard who was formerly an Associate Professor of History at Flinders University.
Topic - Pastor Mads Christensen: A Danish Pastor in New Zealand
David’s presentation will explore the problems faced by the Lutheran Church in colonial New Zealand and the life and ministry of Mads Christensen.
LIVESTREAM on FoLA YouTube channel:
During the 1870s there was a significant emigration from Scandinavia to the North Island of New Zealand.
Some three thousand Danes, Norwegians and Swedes settled on land allocated by the government in Wairarapa and southern Hawkes Bay.
To minister to them, the first Danish Lutheran pastor arrived in 1878. Mads Christensen was sent to New Zealand in 1886 by the Inner Mission, an association within the Church of Denmark.
He was pastor of the Danish Lutheran congregation in Palmerston North, the region’s largest town, from 1894 to 1927.
Great food fuels great thinking.
We are seeking volunteers to provide afternoon tea for 21 Confirmands, who will be arriving directly from school.
SBLC Confirmation class will be on Monday afternoons at Langmeil.
You can contribute by bringing food or making a donation to help purchase pizza / fresh fruit.
All contributions are greatly appreciated. If you can help, please email Rachel Brown at
Your prayers for these young people and support for the classes would be greatly appreciated.
SBLC Sunday Worship Services 2nd February 2025
Bethany: 10:30am Lay Led Service with Dennis Canute
Tabor: No Service
Grace St John’s: 9am HC Pastor Greg Schiller
Langmeil: 8:45am HC and 10:30am HC - Thanksgiving Pastor Paul Kerber
Lyndoch: 9am Parish Service at Rowland Flat
Schoenborn: 9am
Jeremiah 1:4-10. Psalm 71:1-6. 1 Corinthians. 13:1-13. Luke 4:21-30.
The following MISSION MOMENT opportunities may be of interest to you!
David and Jessie Boydell are veteran missionaries to the French-speaking world. In retirement, David still writes the Scripture Union Bible study notes for the French world. You are invited to meet up with David and Jessie in the Meeting Room on 2nd March at 3.00pm with Pastor Richard as host.
Supporters will have an opportunity to lay hands on Ruth and Richard Ansoul as they are sent to Uzbekistan soon. If you are moved by Holy Spirit, you are invited to participate. Please come prepared to share a scripture promise with Ruth and Richard, whatever is laid on your heart. This special occasion of blessing will be in the Barossa Ark Courtyard before the mural Faith of our Forefathers, on Sunday afternoon 6th April at 3pm.
We eagerly look forward to hearing Ruth and Richard share their Mission Report upon their return from Uzbekistan. This is bound to be a time of intrigue and encouragement, full of stories and happenings in partnership with Holy Spirit. Ruth and Richard will share their Mission Report in the Meeting Room on the 8thJune at 3pm - all welcome.
This year, Barossa Ark is building its collection of Bear Grylls books. Grylls has shown great commitment to faith in Christ throughout his life. Born in Northern Ireland, Grylls has notoriety as an adventurer, SAS Trooper, survivalist in hostile environments, and is a motivational speaker, author and television presenter with his TV Survival Shows.
The Prayer Room at Bethany Church office.
This Tuesday morning prayer group 9.15am to 10.30am.
Contact Karen for info 0408 600 480.
Barossa Vintage Festival: Step Back in Time at Bethany April 23 - April 25, 2025.
A day in the life of the Barossa's first German settlement & the story of Bethany's heritage.
Activities include rope making, butter churning, noodle making, honey biscuit decorating, SA Lace Guild, and Gumeracha Hand Spinners/Weavers.
Daily organ recitals, bell ringing & working machinery displays. Heritage photographic displays.
Morning/afternoon tea and light lunches available daily.
Tabor 175th Anniversary History Book, 1999 - 2024 Tabor History, the last 25 years currently being written by local historian Samuel Doering is available for
The publication will be available in time for our Anniversary celebration in March 2025. Need a gift? Vouchers available.
History Book 1999-2024 is $30. Tabor History Book Package '1849-1999' and '1999-2024' $35.
Contact Chris Bartsch to order 0448 702270