

Latest News 14 October, 2024

Rev Dr Michael Lockwood


Rev Dr Michael Lockwood is back in Australia this October. He will be visiting the Barossa on October 20th, participating in the Grace (St John’s) 9am service, and also giving us a presentation afterwards in the hall over a cuppa (approx. 10.20am start).

Everyone is welcome to attend the service or presentation or both, we’d love to see a great crowd to hear of his mission work in Taiwan with China Lutheran Seminary.

China Lutheran Seminary is the only Lutheran seminary in the world that teaches in Mandarin Chinese. It is training pastors, missionaries, and church workers who can bring the Good News to the people of Taiwan, China, and Chinese communities around the world in their own heart language.

There will be opportunity to support his work in several ways, with a free will donation on the day, and please also support this work with your prayers - for the spread of the Gospel in Taiwan, China, and throughout the Mandarin speaking world.

Opportunity also exists to join Rev Lockwood for a small group lunch on the 20th. If you are interested, please contact Jeanette Marschall 0403 104 633 to book a spot.


8th September 2024 Service

20 September, 2024


Mercy amid failings

by Pastor Peter Bean

Click here to download your printable verse to carry with you today.

So the Lord was merciful to Lot and his family (Genesis 19:16b).

Read Genesis 19:1–17,24–29

What to make of these verses? Not the most wonderful reading in the Bible. It started off well with hospitality shown by Lot. But it quickly degenerated into all sorts of terrible things: sexual immorality, betrayal of family, disbelief, tardiness, warnings ignored, ingratitude. And, as we read on, there is more.

What do we do with all of this? Of course, it’s easy to jump to conclusions and become judgemental of actions and inactions, groups and individuals. And don’t we do that? Sorry, I’ll let you answer that for yourself. For myself, yes, I do jump to conclusions. I do make judgements. I do look down on people. Lord, have mercy.

And the Lord does. Even when we think we have more time to prepare. Even when we joke about what God might do. Even when we are inhospitable. Even when we condemn!

I guess, here, in these verses, we have a good description of human nature. Thoughts and actions are described that can lead us away from God. Even when God is present – in our face, if you like – even when God is clear, and we can hear the voice of the Spirit guiding us. (Did you know that, in the Hebrew Scriptures, to hear is the same as to obey?)

But we also have a good description of God’s nature: to be merciful, to restore those who lack trust or think they can make it on their own. Can each of us examine our lives? Look for those times when you didn’t trust God’s promises and thought you could make it alone. Look for those times when God’s mercy re-appeared: in a word of forgiveness, in a restoration of relationships, in a comforting hug, in the quiet breath of the Spirit breathing new life into you.

And give thanks for the Lord’s mercy.

Lord God, Heavenly Dad, gracious Saviour, life-giving Spirit, thank you for your mercy, shown to me in so many ways. Thank you. Amen.

In early October, Peter enjoyed a family camp with his children and grandchildren at Lake Bonney, South Australia. Then, he returned to weeding, planting, riding, reading and relaxing.


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