23 June, 2023

25th June 2023 Bethany Service

10.30 am Traditional Service with HC. Pastor Peter Hartwich is welcomed as our Worship Leader

Sermon: Nothing but Tears and Trouble.

Readings this week are:

Jeremiah 20:7-13 Jeremiah struggles with his calling

Romans 6:1b-11 Dead to sin, but alive to Christ

Matthew 10:24-39 Do not be afraid; take up your cross and follow Christ

23 June, 2023

25th June 2023 Tabor Service

9.00 am Traditional Service with HC. Pastor Peter Hartwich is welcomed as Worship Leader

Sermon: Nothing but Tears and Trouble.

Readings this week are:

Jeremiah 20:7-13 Jeremiah struggles with his calling

Romans 6:1b-11 Dead to sin, but alive to Christ

Matthew 10:24-39 Do not be afraid; take up your cross and follow Christ

16 June, 2023


Thursday 29th June 2023, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Archer St, North Adelaide, 7.30 pm. $5 donation, supper. All welcome.

Livestreaming on:

The feature is Dr. Christine Lockwood’s talk on Missionary Christian Gottlob Teichelmann – A Life of Patient Endurance. Teichelmann served as a missionary among the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains from 1838 to 1846. He became an advocate for justice for Aboriginal people shattered by colonisation & a critic of colonial policy and practice as he sought to share the gospel while providing for Aboriginal needs. Teichelmann’s language work has been the primary basis for the reclamation of the Kaurna language and identity.

14 June, 2023

ALC Annual Appeal

14 June, 2023

18th June 2023 Tabor Service

9.00 am Traditional Service Lay Led. Nathan Semmler is welcomed as our Worship Leader

Readings this week are:

Genesis 18:1-15 (21:1-7) The Lord appears to Abraham to announce the birth of Isaac

Romans 5:1-8 Christ died for the ungodly

Matthew 9:35 - 10:8 (9-23) Jesus sends out the Twelve

14 June, 2023

18th June 2023 Bethany Service

10.30 am Contemporary Service Lay Led. Karen Pietsch is welcomed as our Worship Leader

Readings this week are:

Genesis 18:1-15 (21:1-7)

Romans 5:1-8 Christ died for the ungodly

Matthew 9:35 - 10:8 (9-23) Jesus sends out the Twelve

9 June, 2023

11 June 2023 Bethany Service

Bethany 10.30am with Holy Communion. Pastor Paul Kerber is welcomed this week as our Worship Leader

Readings this week are:

Genesis 12:1-9 The calling of Abraham

Romans 4:13-25 God’s promise to Abraham received through faith

Matthew 9:9-13,18-26 Jesus calls Matthew to heal a woman and raises a child

9 June, 2023

11 June 2023 Tabor Service

Tabor 9 am with Holy Communion. Pastor Paul Kerber is welcomed this week as our Worship Leader

Readings this week are:

Genesis 12:1-9 The calling of Abraham

Romans 4:13-25 God’s promise to Abraham received through faith

Matthew 9:9-13,18-26 Jesus calls Matthew to heal a woman and raises a child

9 June, 2023


Friday the 23rd June at Langmeil Centre from 6.00 pm. The Guest Speaker is Ms. Ro Forgan, sharing stories of her time as Prison Manager & Command Manager at Mt Gambier and Murray Bridge prisons, and the impact of KAIROS Christian ministry on the prisoners. BYO Drinks, Chairs & Food for BBQ. Contacts: Trevor Braunack 0409 633 829 / Jarome Graetz 0438 797 300.
