
26th November 2023 Bethany Service

28 November, 2023


19th November 2023 Bethany Service

20 November, 2023

Bethany Service Lay Led by Karen Pietsch with Peter Steicke


5th November 2023 Tabor Sermon

8 November, 2023

Living in Faith….. Dying in Faith

Let us pray – Heavenly Father, Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight – Amen

I would like to acknowledge Pastor Vince Gerhardy – for his inspiration and words. (Pastor Gerhardy graduated from Luther Seminary in Adelaide in 1974)

I think you would all agree that one of the great things about the Christian gospel is its message of hope. When we are being taken through some of the darkest valleys and alleyways that life can lead us we can find ourselves in the same place as Mary and Martha. Lazarus shouldn’t have died. But he did. The sisters had called on Jesus but his answer wasn’t what they expected or wanted and Lazarus’ life was out of their hands. There was nothing left for them to do except mourn his death.

Mary is clearly upset and very puzzled. She questions Jesus when he finally gets there, “Lord, if only you had been here, things would have been different. Lazarus wouldn’t have died. Where were you?” Jesus sees her grief and feels for her. He raises Lazarus to life and offers hope to all who face death saying that he will raise to life all those who live and believe in him. It is the hope that we have in Jesus Christ that is highlighted today as we celebrate All Saints Day. The Book of Revelation describes to us the joyful celebration of those gathered around the throne of the Lamb in heaven. They have gone through their time of suffering and tribulation and have been faithful to the end and now all of that is behind them. God has wiped away all their tears and sorrow. There is no more death and pain and dying. There is only joyous celebration as they praise God for the victory he has given to them through the Lamb who has died for them and made them new and clean. He has given them the white robes of righteousness and purity.

(Revelation 4: reading from Verse 8) Victoriously they wave palm branches calling out with the angels and all those in heaven,

“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come. Salvation comes from our God, who sits on the throne, and from the Lamb! All Praise, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour, power, and might belong to our God forever and ever! Amen!”

In today’s reading from Revelation, we hear about a new heaven and a new earth. God's creative work takes a full turn. When God created the Garden of Eden it was a perfect place where God and his people lived together in harmony. There was no death or crying or grief or pain. Now at the end of the Bible, we hear God creating a new heaven and earth and God will once again dwell amongst his people. From - (Revelation 21:4). We can read, “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared” There in that perfect place we will gather with all the saints who have gone before us – the saints whose names are written in history because of what they did in Christ’s name. There are also those saints whose names are not recorded anywhere except in the Book of Life – those Christians who were never famous but were faithful to their calling as disciples of the Lord knowing their weaknesses, trusting in his grace, and serving in whatever way they were able.

There in that perfect place are all the saints who will come after us – those to whom we have passed on the gospel through words and deeds and then those who have received the message of Jesus’ love through them. The hope and confidence of a life beyond this life are the true blessings that come with knowing Jesus. Even if we are to face the worst, we can do so knowing that Jesus has made it possible for us to pass through death to a glorious new life in eternity. Through his death and resurrection, he has made us right and clean and ready to enter the perfect place we call heaven. “This week I had the privilege to assist with the planning and share the Funeral Service with 4 families.

Sometimes we are asked to officiate the Funeral Service. We always ask- did your loved one have faith and would you like this to be the basis for the service? Sometimes the family says no but then often they will say well “mum” used to go to church so we think she would like the Lord's Prayer and perhaps Psalm 23. Sometimes the family says no “Dad” has his own faith. And sometimes we feel we can use the words from Ecclesiastes 3, "To everything there is a season, a time to be born, and a time to die. These few words can often provide an understanding of death, words of Faith for those that know it, and comfort for those that don’t think, that they have Faith.”

“Yesterday I went to visit my great Aunty. It was her 96th birthday. I didn’t tell her I was coming because these days she is mostly home. When I arrived she was in her garden. We went inside for a coffee and she brought out 3 varieties of her homemade biscuits. She lives alone, and she will say she is sometimes lonely because - she reminds me…you know when you get to my age most of my friends have already gone but she has her faith and her family. We talk about her Faith, and we always do. Then her youngest son called in to wish her a happy birthday, we joked about age and he said with a smile well it’s better than the other! How often do we hear or say – well, being this age is better than the alternative! My Aunty Ethel said, well I think the “other” will be ok too! She has her faith. My Aunty is ready to die - but not today, she has her garden to care for, her biscuits to make, and her family. But when her last day here on earth comes she will be ready, and I know she will rejoice the day she sees her Lord.

“That doesn’t mean that death won’t bring with it pain as we farewell those whom we love here in this life.” All Saints Sunday reminds us of the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. This hope assures us that even though we are separated physically from our loved ones, we are still one with them in the church, joined to them in Christ. All Saints Day reminds us that we are part of the Church, not the Lutheran Church, or Anglican Church, or Bethany and Tabor, but The Church, the holy people of God everywhere from all ages, in heaven and earth; Christians of all times; our parents and grandparents, marriage partners, children, dear Christian friends all those who have died in Christ and are now raised to life with him and who live with him forever. We have all been joined to Christ and become members of his Church in our baptism, we have been made new and clean through his blood and made heirs of eternal life now and forever. We are part of an eternal community, a communion of saints, that crosses earth and heaven and shares in the glory of God.

There is great comfort for us in this, and for all who grieve. We have all lost people we love. That loss is sometimes devastating – to feel that we will never see that person again. We will never again hear their voice or see their face. That is the pain of loss.

The great comfort we celebrate today is that those who have lived with Christ in this life, and are with Christ in eternity, whom we have loved and still love, are not lost. We often say when someone dies that the person has “passed away” or that we have “lost” a loved one. Those who die in Christ aren’t lost and they haven’t passed away as if they have vaporised into nothing. They have passed on to a new life and although we cannot see them or embrace them now, they are still with us, in our one faith and hope.

There is great comfort too in knowing that those who have suffered terribly through illness in this life, those who have been “taken” away suddenly, those who died in tragic accidents, or in fear, they are now safe and in peace, sheltered, as we read in Revelation, “Now God's home is with his people! He will live with them, and he will be their God. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes”.

We can share our faith and hope and give strength to others, not just when people die and not always by reading Revelation with them……there is a time for that too – but every day in our work, within our friendship circle and with people we meet. We can share our faith just in our living and sharing our faith with others.

It is our mission statement… Living for Jesus - Growing in Jesus - Sharing Jesus with others. Amen


5th November 2023 Bethany Service

6 November, 2023

Bethany Layled Service with Nevin Nitschke & Peter Steicke


5 November 2023 Tabor & Bethany Services

3 November, 2023

9.00 am Tabor LayLed Service with Chris Bartsch

10.30 am Bethany Layled Service with Nevin Nitschke and guest Peter Steicke

LCA Readings for this week are .....

Bible Readings

Joshua 3:7-17 Crossing the Jordan to the promised land OR

b) Micah 3:5-12 The prophet declares the ruin of Jerusalem

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Paul’s conduct among the Thessalonians


Matthew 23:1-12 Warnings against the scribes and Pharisees


a) Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37- a) Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 Antiphon: They saw the deeds of the Lord, his wondrous works in the deep. (Ps 107:24 NRSV)

b) Psalm 43- b) Psalm 43 Antiphon: Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God. (Ps 43:5b NRSV)


22 October 2023 Bethany Service

30 October, 2023

Sunday's LayLed Service with Brian Eckermann

Theme: A message from Bishop Paul Smith


15th October 2023 Bethany Service

16 October, 2023

Layled service with Nevin Nitschke


8th October 2023 Bethany Service

10 October, 2023


Season of Prayer - Reflection on the Lord's Prayer

4 October, 2023

The Lord’s Prayer


Interestingly, Jesus starts out on how to pray by teaching us how not to pray. First of all, he says, pray not as a hypocrite or as a performance to be seen by others.

Jesus also says not to pray in the manner of the pagans, going over and over, pleading to the gods for what they needed. Jesus says you don’t need to pray that way, because your Father in heaven already knows what you need.

As we go deeper into the Lord’s Prayer, we see more fully that it's a prayer about our human condition. Every single bit of the Lord's Prayer is radical because every single bit of it challenges our assumptions about who we are and who God is and what the world is like. This prayer calls us to live differently. It also reveals the foundational approach we must take in all prayer and in our entire Christian life.

Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name


The Lord’s Prayer begins with us acknowledging our identity as children of the Father. Our Father ...What does this mean to you?

What wonderful things do calling God ‘Father’ signify in the life of a Christian? Which of these blessings resonate with you?

How do you bring these with you into your time of praying the Lord’s prayer?

‘Our Father’. What do we learn from Jesus about who the God is that we pray to?

“Jesus revealed God to us as Father, Holy, King, Provider, Merciful, Protector and Deliverer.”

To hallow’ is to greatly revere and honour, to hold something as holy.

How do the two ideas of ‘Our Father’ and ‘Hallowed be your name’ come together for you?

Your kingdom come


When we pray ‘Your Kingdom come’ what do we mean?

What are the qualities of God’s Kingdom

How is God establishing a kingdom?

Are you a member of God’s Kingdom? How do you show your membership?

How does Jesus say his kingship is different from the world around him?

What does this mean for the church today?

God’s children are called to listen to God’s voice and follow the Chief Shepherd alone.

His voice utters true love. It is the voice of life and freedom through faith, love, and holiness.

There is no work we have to do in order to earn acceptance into God's Kingdom.

Christ finished all on the cross. Life and peace with God are free gifts that are offered to us.

Your will be done on earth as in heaven


Does the resurrected Jesus belong to heaven or earth?

How does this shape our hope that God’s will might be done on earth?

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me

- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father

- and I lay down my life for the sheep.” - John 10:14-15

To allow God’s will to be done, saying no to temptation, and focusing on what is right, rather than on what is destructive to ourselves or others.

It feels like a different way of living our lives to that of the world around us.

It is in contrast to the individualistic drive to buy, to succeed, to consume, no matter what the cost to others or to the earth.

It doesn’t feel easy.

Give us today our daily bread


To recognise that “our daily bread”, the basics that we need to survive, are gifted to us all together, not separately to each individual. We are called to share.

When we pray the Lord’s Prayer we pray in the plural. Not give me my...

Not my Father who is in heaven. It’s our Father.

It speaks of God’s willingness to answer our prayers. “Ask and it will be given unto you.”

This does not mean an indiscriminate granting of all our desires, but a knowledge that God is with us. God’s love always surrounds us.

And through this love, anything is possible.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us


To forgive – we work on our relationships with God and with each other so that we can live in peace.

The love of God should be our example.

We can choose to forgive or we can imprison ourselves through unforgiveness. Christians are brethren in Christ, and they ought to forgive one another just as God has forgiven each one of them.

God’s mercy leads us to forgiveness. When we experience God’s mercy and recognize the cost He paid for our sins, we are led to extend forgiveness to others.

We’re encouraged to show this kind of unconditional love as we settle our wrongdoings or trespasses with our brothers, friends, fellow workers, and neighbours. As we forgive one another the kingdom of God comes in our midst.

Lead us not into temptation


What do we learn from Jesus’ example about responding to trials and temptation?

The reality is we need God’s strength to get by. We cannot do this on our own strength. Our strength comes through prayer and actively leaning on God

Temptation is real. We all encounter it.

“Lord, I am weak and by myself I will fail. Therefore, I entrust myself to You so that I will never be led astray by the many temptations I will certainly face.”

Deliver us from evil


Cast all your anxiety on God, because he cares for you.

Discipline yourselves; keep alert. Resist evil, and be steadfast in your faith.

The God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.

What is the relationship between Jesus and the power of death? What has he achieved?

What confidence does that bring to your praying of the Lord’s Prayer?

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever


Worship is our response to who God is and what He does as He reveals Himself to us.

As we respond to God, our worship will take shape and our lives will be a pleasing sacrifice for Him.

In this way, His kingdom will be manifested, His power will be displayed before a watching world, and His glory will shine through.

And it will be true of our lives: “For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours. Now and forever.”


As you read this hymn written by Martin Luther centuries ago, reflect on their meaning to your faith and life today.

Our Father Thou in Heaven above. Written by Martin Luther ( 1483 – 1546)

1 Our Father, Thou in heav'n above,

Who biddest us to dwell in love,

As brethren of one family,

And cry for all we need to Thee;

Teach us to mean the words we say,

And from the inmost heart to pray.

2 All hallowed be Thy name, O Lord!

O let us firmly keep Thy Word,

And lead, according to Thy name,

A holy life, untouched by blame;

Let no false teachings do us hurt;

All poor deluded souls convert.

3 Thy kingdom come! Thine let it be

In time and in eternity!

O let Thy Holy Spirit dwell

With us, to rule and guide us well;

From Satan's mighty pow'r and rage

Preserve Thy Church from age to age.

4 Thy will be done on earth, O Lord,

As where in heav'n Thou art adored!

Patience in time of grief bestow,

Obedience true in weal and woe;

Our sinful flesh and blood control

That thwart Thy will within the soul.

5 Give us this day our daily bread,

Let us be duly clothed and fed;

And keep Thou from our homes afar

Famine and pestilence and war,

That we may live in godly peace

Unvexed by cares and avarice.

6 Forgive our sins, that they no more

May grieve and haunt us as before,

As we forgive their trespasses

Who unto us have done amiss;

Thus let us dwell in charity

And serve each other willingly.

7 Into temptation lead us not.

And when the foe doth war and plot

Against our souls on ev'ry hand,

Then armed with faith, O may we stand

Against him as a valiant host

Through comfort of the Holy Ghost.

8 Deliv'rance from all evil give,

And yet in evil days we live.

Redeem us from eternal death,

And, when we yield our dying breath,

Console us, grant us calm release,

And take our souls to Thee in peace.

9 Amen! That is, so shall it be!

Strengthen our faith and trust in Thee

That we may doubt not, but believe

That what we ask we shall receive.

Thus in Thy name and at Thy word

We say: "Amen. Now hear us, Lord."

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.

But let him ask in faith, with no doubt. James 1: 5-6
