31 May, 2024

Book Launch

BOOK LAUNCH "Prisoner Diaries" by Liz Schulz

Wednesday, June 19, 3 pm-4.30 pm at Langmeil Hall Maria St, Tanunda. Bookings are preferred via Trybooking. Entry by donation.

The story of Liz's grandfather JFW Schulz who was interned from 1942- 1944 during World War II. She has published his diary which gives fascinating insights into his prison experience at Wayville, Tatura, and Loveday. He was a leading churchman in Tanunda, a printer, filmmaker, journalist and writer, and head teacher at Langmeil School until its closure.

31 May, 2024

New Prayer Group


PRAYER Tuesday 4th June 9.15 am - 10.30 am in the Bethany Church office.

A new weekly group to encourage growth in relationship with God, beginning with “The Prayer Course” from 24-7 Prayer.

Session 1: Why Pray? Inquiries to Karen Pietsch.

31 May, 2024

2nd June Worship Services


Tabor: Sunday 2 June 9.00 am Service & Godly Play with Pastor Graham Harms

Bethany: Sunday 2 June 10.30 am Lay Led Service with Brian Eckermann

LCA Readings

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 God’s provision of rest in the third commandment

2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Spiritual treasure hidden in ordinary clay jars

Mark 2:23 – 3:6 The purpose of the Sabbath as a time for healing by Jesus

25 May, 2024

June Lyndoch Lutheran Women's Fellowship

Hear Guest Speaker Anne Wilson on Wednesday, 5th June 2024 at 1.30 pm at the Lyndoch Church Hall, 3 Margaret Street, Lyndoch.

Please confirm attendance to Margaret on 0437 060 719 by Wednesday, 29th May 2024.

Speaking on her tour of Jordan and the upper Bible lands around the Sea of Galilee.

Afternoon tea is provided. Everyone is welcome

25 May, 2024

June Movie Night

Holy Trinity Church Hall in Nuriootpa is “Abel’s Field” on Sunday 2 June at 7 PM.

Just $5 which includes popcorn and a drink.

Left motherless by tragedy and abandoned by his father, seventeen-year-old Seth McArdle is struggling to support his two little sisters.

As a punishment for fighting back against bullies from the football team, Seth is assigned to work after school with the groundskeeper Abel. Much to his surprise, Seth discovers that Abel may be the only one who truly understands his struggles. As dark times lure Seth towards desperate measures, the reluctant Abel may be the only person who can point him back toward the light. Hope you can join us for a good night out.

25 May, 2024

ALWS ‘Asante’

What: ALWS Asante presentation [90min]

When: Saturday 22nd June 2024 – 4:00 pm drinks and nibbles for 4:30 pm start with warming soup provided after the presentation.

Where: St Petri Lutheran Church Hall, 21 Second Street, NURIOOTPA

RSVP: Friday 14th June – 1300 763 407 or

“Asante’ is the Swahili word for ‘thank you’! It’s a word you hear when you visit a refugee camp you support through ALWS at Kakuma in Kenya. The people you help in Indonesia want to thank you too, and the word they use is ‘Terima Kasih’. ALWS wants to pass that thank you to you in person.

That is why we are coming to the Barossa Valley and inviting you to be a part of the ALWS Asante. It is an opportunity for us to share some of the work that through ALWS you are currently involved in and meet some of the ALWS team. But, not only that. You will also hear stories and songs from special guests, Robin and Dorothy Mann, Ambassadors for ALWS Lives You Touch program.

21 May, 2024

Annual Blueprint Ministries Dinner

Annual Blueprint Ministries Dinner Saturday 24 August 2024

All help is appreciated. Supporting ministry for children, families, youth and young adults! Money raised allows us to put together children’s Easter and Christmas packs and packs for grandparents, provides ministry grants to congregations to support new initiatives and projects in ministry for young people and grow ministry to young adults. Donations of money, experiences, wine, or items (big or small) for the silent auction, mystery box, wine wall, or prizes are most welcome. We also welcome prayer and promotion of this event in your congregation. Email if you can help. We value your support!

21 May, 2024


In July, there will be six camps for young people. One camp is for primary-school-aged children in Years 4–7. The five other camps will be for high-school-aged students (Years 7–12). The camps are as follows:

- JC Life at Camp Kedron (Barmera) 8–11 July (Years 4–7)

- Hills CLW (Christian Life Week) at Unity College (Murray Bridge) 8–12 July (Years 7–12)

- Metro CLW at Port Hughes Accommodation Centre (Port Hughes) 8–12 July (Years 7–12)

- Barossa CLW at Cornerstone College (Mount Barker) 8–12 July (Years 7–12)

- Lower Murray/South East (LMSE) CLW at Tarooki Campsite (Robe) 15–19 July (Years 7–12)

- Riverland CLW at Camp Kedron (Barmera) 15–19 July (Years 7–12)

A camp will also be held in August for uni students and friends (9–11 August) at Old Woodhouse Manor, Spring Gully Road, Piccadilly.

Registrations for camps will be opening soon. Please share this information with your congregation, youth group and any young people you know! The first-time camper fee is only $50, thanks to the generous sponsorship of the LLL.

Please check out the Blueprint Ministries website for more information about the camps and to register for a particular camp.

21 May, 2024

Way Forward Local Engagement

The SA–NT District will be hosting several conversation meetings designed to explore with others what the Way Forward might mean for you and your congregation and to pray and worship together as we prepare our hearts and minds for General Synod and the way forward for our church. Plan to attend a gathering near you with the nearest being:

Nuriootpa (St Petri), Sunday 4 August, 2 pm

Para Vista Live stream, Wednesday 7 August, 7 pm
