5 August, 2024

SBLC 11th August Services

Southern Barossa Lutheran Church

Bethany 10.30 HC Pastor Paul Kerber

Grace-St Johns No Service

Langmeil 8.45 am Pastor Jim Bryan & 10.30 am FUEL at Faith Junior School

Lyndoch 9am HC Pastor Brian Schwarz

Tabor 9 am HC Pastor Paul Kerber

OFFERING NOTES. When worshipping at another SBLC congregation, your offering envelope can be placed on the offering plate, as the money will be returned to your congregation. If you don’t have an offering envelope, please use a plain envelope and write your congregation’s name on it.

5 August, 2024

11th August Worship Services


Tabor 9 am HC Pastor Paul Kerber

Bethany 10.30 am HC Pastor Paul Kerber


a) 2 Samuel 18:5-9,15,31-33 The death of David’s son Absalom

b) 1 Kings 19:4-8 Elijah fed by God

Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2 Be imitators of God

John 6:35, 41-51 Jesus the bread of life

2 August, 2024

SALA 2024 At The Hub

S A L A South Australian Living Artists Festival

Celebrating our thriving visual arts community throughout August.

Congregation members and friends are invited to come and view The Hub Exhibition during August.

2 August, 2024

ALC Learning Session

O Lord, open my lips Saturday 24th August 10.00 am – 1.00 pm. Cost $10 Pay cash on the day. Please RSVP to St Petri Office 8562 1011

Come and hear from ALC Principal, Dr Tim Stringer, and local Lutheran pastors as we share stories for learning, support and encouragement of those involved in leading or assisting in worship services. For: Lay Readers, Musicians, Lay preachers, Bible Readers, Children’s Message presenters, Ushers and anyone else involved in worship gatherings.

2 August, 2024

Prepared To Go Workshop

Wednesday 14th August 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm. St Petri Hall 21 Second Street, Nuriootpa

Workshop facilitated by Steve Schultz (SA/NT Mission Director) & Craig Heidenreich (LCA Local Mission)

Steps to engage and bless our community. Barossa & Light Regional Learning Opportunity

Please RSVP to St Petri Office or phone 8562 1011

2 August, 2024

4th August SBLC Worship Services

Bethany: 10.30 am Family Service led by Dennis Canute

Grace-St Johns: 9am HC Pastor Peter Kriewaldt

Langmeil: 8.45am HC & 10.30am Pastor Paul Kerber

Lyndoch: 10.30 am

Schoenborn: 9 am

Tabor: No Service this week

31 July, 2024

Way Forward Conversation

Next Wednesday 7th August the SA-NT District is hosting a face-to-face conversation at Para Vista Lutheran Church.

We will also be livestreaming this event. The link is below

The livestream will be recorded so it can be viewed later.

30 July, 2024

Wednesday Chatty Cafe

7 Margaret St Lyndoch, Lyndoch Lutheran Church Hall

(08) 8562 2688 9:15 am – 11:15 am

Runs during school term.

See flyer attached.

30 July, 2024

Way Forward Framework Released

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ of the LCANZ

Grace and peace in Christ to you.

The Way Forward Detailed Framework is now available for download from the Way Forward webpage or directly by clicking on the links below.



The document itself explains the background of this project:

At the 2023 in-person sessions of the 2021-23 Convention of General Synod, delegates voted by a strong majority to direct the General Church Board and College of Bishops (GCB-CoB) to find a way for us to operate as 'one church with two different practices of ordination' and to report back with a detailed framework to the 2024 General Pastors Conference and General Synod. The Way Forward Project appointed by GCB-CoB has diligently worked through the theological, constitutional, and governance requirements to allow this directive to be accomplished.

The Framework will come before our General Pastors Conference and Convention of General Synod in September and October this year.

Delegates will learn more about the Framework at a special delegates' webinar on 14 August.

Delegates and members are encouraged to attend one of the face-to-face or live-streamed information and discussion events being organised by the Districts. Click here for dates and venues.

Many people have contributed prayerfully and faithfully to this work, with the hope that we will together glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 15).

May the hand of God bless our labours undertaken in the name of our Lord.

In Christ,

Pastor Paul Smith

LCANZ Bishop on behalf of the General Church Board and College of Bishops
