
Mercy amid failings

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by Pastor Peter Bean

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 So the Lord was merciful to Lot and his family (Genesis 19:16b).

Read Genesis 19:1–17,24–29

What to make of these verses? Not the most wonderful reading in the Bible. It started off well with hospitality shown by Lot. But it quickly degenerated into all sorts of terrible things: sexual immorality, betrayal of family, disbelief, tardiness, warnings ignored, ingratitude. And, as we read on, there is more.

What do we do with all of this? Of course, it’s easy to jump to conclusions and become judgemental of actions and inactions, groups and individuals. And don’t we do that? Sorry, I’ll let you answer that for yourself. For myself, yes, I do jump to conclusions. I do make judgements. I do look down on people. Lord, have mercy.

And the Lord does. Even when we think we have more time to prepare. Even when we joke about what God might do. Even when we are inhospitable. Even when we condemn!

I guess, here, in these verses, we have a good description of human nature. Thoughts and actions are described that can lead us away from God. Even when God is present – in our face, if you like – even when God is clear, and we can hear the voice of the Spirit guiding us. (Did you know that, in the Hebrew Scriptures, to hear is the same as to obey?)

But we also have a good description of God’s nature: to be merciful, to restore those who lack trust or think they can make it on their own. Can each of us examine our lives? Look for those times when you didn’t trust God’s promises and thought you could make it alone. Look for those times when God’s mercy re-appeared: in a word of forgiveness, in a restoration of relationships, in a comforting hug, in the quiet breath of the Spirit breathing new life into you.

And give thanks for the Lord’s mercy.

Lord God, Heavenly Dad, gracious Saviour, life-giving Spirit, thank you for your mercy, shown to me in so many ways. Thank you. Amen.

In early October, Peter enjoyed a family camp with his children and grandchildren at Lake Bonney, South Australia. Then, he returned to weeding, planting, riding, reading and relaxing.

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More promises

by Pastor Peter Bean

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I, the Lord, will give Abraham what I promised him (Genesis 18:19c).

Read Genesis 18:16–33

What had the Lord promised Abraham? If you read his whole story, which begins in Genesis 12, you’ll see that God had promised Abraham many things of various kinds! Land, fame, many children, a great nation, protection, blessings and now, in his old age (as we read yesterday), way past childbearing, a son.

Perhaps that is why Abraham thought he could bargain really hard with God! He had been blessed. He knew God was on his side.

Think over your life. How have you been blessed? Share those blessings with someone today. I have no doubt that many of you (if not all) can also recall difficult times when it seemed like God was not present. Don’t hide or deny them. But for today, think about the blessings you have received. Your list might include any of the following: food to eat, a house to live in, health, overseas trips, tours of the outback, friendships, abilities of various kinds, a church family or recognition.

Some of you may recall many blessings; others may struggle to recall too many. That’s okay. Whatever blessings you have received, also consider what you have done with them. None of us is perfect, so this is not meant to be a guilt trip. Rather, I hope it might be an encouragement: to see that what you have been blessed with has blessed others, too.

That is a common theme in Abraham’s story. Yes, I – God – will give what I have promised, but all of it is to bring blessings to other people. ‘The people on earth will be blessed through you’ (Genesis 12:3b); ‘… all nations on earth will be blessed through him’ (Genesis 18:18b).

You may not have been blessed as Abraham was. But you have been blessed – in big or small ways. Have you recalled those blessings yet? As you do, think about how you have – or can – use these blessings to bless other people. That way, you join the long line of Abraham’s descendants who bring blessings to all on earth.

Thank you, God of Abraham, that you are also the living and present God of my life. Thank you for the blessings you have given me. [Say them out loud.] May I use these blessings to bring blessings to those around me. Amen.

In early October, Peter enjoyed a family camp with his children and grandchildren at Lake Bonney, South Australia. Then, he returned to weeding, planting, riding, reading and relaxing!


Promises and laughter

by Pastor Peter Bean

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Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:14a)

Read Genesis 18:1–16

A woman too old, far too old to have a baby! Peace in our time! A coming together of rich and poor, rather than the ongoing widening expanse! Justice, integrity, mercy! Perhaps we might laugh along with Sarah when considering these possibilities and promises.

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Honestly, right now, it seems so. Will justice and mercy prevail in the Middle East and other conflict zones? Will the homeless receive a roof over their heads anytime soon? Is there any chance of recognition of the humanity of refugees in our country? Are we better off just laughing and getting on with our lives?

BUT! And it is a big but! These promises of God are not the promises made by politicians before an election. God is not trying to win our favour or our vote! Instead, God is speaking into our situations – your sadness or despair and your longing for justice and new life.

God’s core promise? Do not be afraid! Three hundred and sixty-five times in the Bible! Yep, that’s right. One for each day. We can take our fears, anxieties and cries for help to our loving God each day and be reassured. Do not be afraid! I, God, can see you; I can hear you. As my son Jesus promised, I am with you always.

Amid unbelief, despair, crisis, injustice and unfairness, God is present, and Jesus is with us always. The Holy Spirit floats over the chaos of our lives, restoring order and bringing hope.

Laugh if you will, but it is better to laugh with the Presence of God rather than laugh at unbelievable promises.

God of laughter, replace our tears and fears with joy and happiness in your presence. Amen.

In early October, Peter enjoyed a family camp with his children and grandchildren at Lake Bonney, South Australia. Then, he returned to weeding, planting, riding, reading and relaxing!


Whom or what do you trust?

by Pastor Peter Bean

Click here to download your printable verse to carry with you today.

God can do all things (Mark 10:27b).

Read Mark 10:17–31

God is exceedingly generous: he sends rain to the just and the unjust and cares for people how a mother hen cares for her chicks. God looks after nature, despite our (humans’) best attempt to destroy it. He forgives the most heinous sins if we repent. He dishes out grace like it is everyone’s birthday every day.

God is exceedingly generous, and he can do all things. Unlike humans! Despite our efforts, we can never match the generosity and creativity of the Creator God. It doesn’t matter how wealthy we are, how powerful or how many commandments we keep. God’s love is not dependent on those things. No, God loves because God is love.

Neither the rich young man (verse 22) nor Peter (verse 28) get this. I am not sure we do either. Do we not try to live better, be generous and serve others? All good things. But to what end? Particularly if they are simply to win God’s favour, to impress those we live with? Perhaps our motives are more altruistic.

But we constantly want to obey the commandments and demand that others do, too. The rich young man had done this perfectly – at least according to him.

You see, it’s not about us; it’s not about what we do; it’s not about how we live; it’s not about whether we are rich or poor (although if you’re rich, you do well to read these verses closely!). What saves is God’s generosity – not our wealth, power or even obedience.

Grace alone, accepting it, trusting in God’s promise of life and life abundantly (John 10:10). Who do you trust? What do you trust? Our lifestyle might reveal a surprising answer. It is better to return to the one who says this is something people cannot do, but God can. God can do all things (verse 27).

Thank you, generous God, for your creativity, for your generosity and for looking beyond our human weaknesses. Thank you for your gift of grace, life and love. May we live in response to these. Amen.

In early October, Peter enjoyed a family camp with his children and grandchildren at Lake Bonney, South Australia. Then, he returned to weeding, planting, riding, reading and relaxing!
