25 March, 2020

Encouragment from Bishop John

This is an opportunity for us to step forward, boldly and confidently, as Christian citizens who understand how to practise care, compassion, and love. The hope we have in us is greater than anything this earth can offer, and God’s love strengthens us. Our Lord has been preparing us for this time for many years. Suddenly, being church is not just talk, but action, as we are challenged to step out of our church buildings into the unknown. As we do that, we will feel some sense of loss, but it does not need to bother us unduly. Our true hope is not in bricks and mortar, or the things of this world. We will always have what we need for each day. This is what we repeatedly ask God for, every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer. We can use the gifts we have been given for the good of the whole world, serving God with joy in our hearts.

24 March, 2020

Worship services

We're living with the sadness of not being able to meet together to worship.

This doesn't stop us from being 'church' and worshipping at home.

Worship orders and helps are available.

God keep you safe and well!

21 February, 2020

Amazed by Jesus

We're at the end of the Epiphany season and Lent is about to begin.

Jesus takes three of his disciples up a mountain and amazes them with his glory.

What does this mean for us? How does it change the way we live? How does it change the way we pray?

Join us Sunday and be amazed by Jesus!

31 December, 2019

Welcome the Word

Join us Sunday to celebrate the beginning of a new year. We'll be encouraged to welcome the Word. Welcome the Word made flesh, welcome Jesus. Welcome Jesus into our 2020 world.

3 December, 2019

Turn back

Join us on Sunday when we'll be asking whether we've turned away from God or maybe are taking God for granted

23 November, 2019

Prophets of God

God's Spirit fills his people with words for our world is our focus this Sunday

5 November, 2019

Confirmation - November 10

We celebrate God's love for seven young people who confirm their journey of faith at Faith Lutheran College Chapel at 10:00am

5 November, 2019


Join us Sunday at Faith College Chapel as seven young people are confirmed. Special service time 10:00am

1 November, 2019

All Saints Day

Join us for worship on November 3 as we remember our loved ones who've gone ahead of us to heaven.
