
1st Friday of Advent

SEEING The God Who Sees

Read Luke 1:46-55 “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’” Genesis 16:13 (NIV) Have you ever felt invisible? That you are looked over and your opinions and thoughts not valid. As the sixth child in a large family, I often felt invisible and overlooked which made me withdraw and become quite shy. I did not like to put myself or my opinions forward for fear of being shot down. As I finished high school, a new life of university was opening to me, and I made a conscious effort that I would no longer be unseen but change my introverted nature to an extrovert… which is how people today know me. We all have a need to be seen and recognised and to be truly known. Hagar was the maidservant of Sarai, who became pregnant by Abram when Sarai couldn’t have children. Even though God had promised Sarai a child, she believed that they had to do it some other way than rely on God. But once Hagar was pregnant, Sarai made her life miserable, so she planned to run away. She tried and an angel came to her and said that God had seen her pain and he understood. Hagar called God ‘El Roi’ - the God who sees (read the verse above in Genesis). It isn’t that God just sees, but God saw her. This reveals something about God and his character. He is omnipresent, everywhere all at once, and He is omniscient, knowing everything all the time. So, God, by His very nature, cannot overlook us. We also read the song of Mary, who herself was invisible, being a woman and so young. But she praises God for revealing Himself to her and remembering her and giving her the joy and honour of being the Lord’s mother. Mary was seen by God and her life was never the same. You also are seen by God. Even when we may feel invisible to the world around us, we never go unnoticed by our Heavenly Father. God sees every heartache, every unspoken word, every sacrifice and every longing. God sees you! Praise God this Advent for revealing Himself to us in a tiny baby. Prayer: El Roi, you are the God who sees me. You know me and love me just the same. Surround me and bless me with your presence and love. Amen


1st Thursday of Advent

Seeing Angels 1st Thursday in Advent

Read Matthew 1:18-25 “…when God brings his first-born into the world, he says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship him.’” Hebrews 1:6 (NIV) Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him. They are powerful beings who function as God’s messengers. An angel (Gabriel) appeared to Zechariah – Luke 1:5- 25 telling him of the birth of John who would prepare the way for God’s Son. Gabriel appeared to Mary (Luke 1:26-38), he appeared to Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25), then to the shepherds telling them of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:8-15). The wise men were warned in a dream, some say by angels (Matthew 2:12). Then, Joseph was warned by angels, telling him to take Jesus and Mary and flee to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). In Matthew 2:19-20, the angel told Joseph to return to Nazareth. Reading through all these appearances of an angel, it is obvious that God was in control. He sent His messengers to warn, to tell, and to go see – they were the ones bringing the news of God to humans on Earth. These appearances of an angel were all designed to tell of the birth of a Saviour and to protect Him from any harm. In the Bible, there are 273 occurrences of angels being referenced in 34 different books of the Bible. Are angels real? Absolutely. God has said that “He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11 NIV). Whenever my children have to travel distances, I always pray that God’s angels will guard them as they travel and protect them from all harm. Does he send His angels when we ask? I can see that He does for my prayers are answered. Martin Luther in his ‘morning and evening prayers’ prays: ‘Let your holy angel be with me, so that the evil one may have no power over me.’ This Advent season I pray for you that you will see God in His love and goodness in caring for and guiding you in all you do. God’s angels watch over you! Prayer: Heavenly Father, send your angels to protect and guide my family in all we do this Christmas. Keep me from all harm and danger and bring me to see you more clearly. Amen.


1st Wednesday of Advent

SEEING Lamp Light

Luke 11:33-36 “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” Matthew 5:15 (NIV) I was recently talking to my mother (born 1928 in the Barossa) about her childhood and only having candles, lamps and lanterns to see in the evening. She told me of a story of her childhood in the 1930’s when she had to bring the cows in to be milked every night. It was winter and it got dark early and the cows, to keep warm, used to gather in a dry creek bed away from the wind. She told me that she and her sister used to take a lantern, crunch through the frozen grass, and swing the lantern side to side as they went to the creek to find the cows. When the cows saw the light they would follow it, with the other sister chasing to get home. They saw the light to lead them to safety and a warm shed. After dinner, a lamp would be lit in the middle of the dining room table. At this table the younger children (mum and her sister) would do their homework, the older sisters would do mending and darning, granny would be reading her Sunday school lesson or doing crochet work and grandpa would be reading the paper. One lamp allowed all to see (read Matthew 5:15 above). At bedtime, this would be extinguished, and each would take a candle to their rooms. In John 1, we read a couple days ago that Jesus is the light that has come into the world to help everyone see their need for forgiveness and a Saviour. In Psalm 119:105, God’s Word, the Bible is likened to a lamp which guides us wherever we go and helps us to see. We don’t have the same sort of darkness as they did years ago, due to electricity and everything giving off little bits of light – charging phones, clocks, modems, streetlights - but remember that darkness is the absence of light. To not have the light of Jesus means to be in total darkness. Shine your light into people’s darkness this Advent and share the light of Jesus. Prayer: Lord, your light gives encouragement and purpose for me. Guide me as I talk with others and share your light and love with those around me to help them see you. Amen.


1st Tuesday of Advent

Read: Luke 11:33-36 “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” Matthew 5:15 (NIV) I was recently talking to my mother (born 1928 in the Barossa) about her childhood and only having candles, lamps, and lanterns to see in the evening. She told me of a story of her childhood in the 1930’s when she had to bring the cows in to be milked every night. It was winter and it got dark early and the cows, to keep warm, used to gather in a dry creek bed away from the wind. She told me that she and her sister used to take a lantern, crunch through the frozen grass, and swing the lantern side to side as they went to the creek to find the cows. When the cows saw the light they would follow it, with the other sister chasing to get home. They saw the light to lead them to safety and a warm shed. After dinner, a lamp would be lit in the middle of the dining room table. At this table the younger children (mum and her sister) would do their homework, the older sisters would do mending and darning, granny would be reading her Sunday school lesson or doing crochet work and grandpa would be reading the paper. One lamp allowed all to see (read Matthew 5:15 above). At bedtime, this would be extinguished, and each would take a candle to their rooms. In John 1, we read a couple days ago that Jesus is the light that has come into the world to help everyone see their need for forgiveness and a Saviour. In Psalm 119:105, God’s Word, the Bible is likened to a lamp which guides us wherever we go and helps us to see. We don’t have the same sort of darkness as they did years ago, due to electricity and everything giving off little bits of light – charging phones, clocks, modems, streetlights - but remember that darkness is the absence of light. To not have the light of Jesus means to be in total darkness. Shine your light into people’s darkness this Advent and share the light of Jesus. Prayer: Lord, your light gives encouragement and purpose for me. Guide me as I talk with others and share your light and love with those around me to help them see you. Amen.


1st Monday of Advent

Read Luke 1:26-38

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6 (NIV) Humility is not considered the most important quality these days. To get anywhere we must put ourselves forward and be open and brash about declaring our own greatness. Greatness is not found in sitting in a corner. However, some have made it to greatness through being humble. Mahatma Gandhi embraced humility. Even though he was a lawyer and extremely learned, he spent his life serving the poorest of the poor. He carried human soil on his head, cleaned his own rooms, fasted weekly and spun his own cloth for clothes. He served others in a spirit of giving. He said that ‘one must become as humble as the dust before you can discover the truth.’ Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of the Saviour of the world. She wasn’t very old, about 14 and she was already engaged to Joseph. Jewish law demanded that the woman must be a virgin to marry; otherwise, the woman will be known as a harlot -- a prostitute and despised -- and possibly even stoned. For Mary to hear the words from the angel that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit would have been incredibly hard to hear, but we see her humility and acceptance of the facts. Mary rejoiced at this news and called herself blessed by God and in her song (Luke 1:46-55) she praised God for bestowing on her this honour of being the mother of the Son of God. She didn’t go around telling people that she was bearing God’s Son, rather in humility we see her acceptance: “‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May it be to me as you have said.’” (Luke 1:38a NIV). Mary’s example can be one for us also. Her acceptance and humility in hearing God and knowing what He wanted of her, produced an incredible strength and love. May we also accept God’s mission for our lives with much humility and strength so that others may be drawn to knowing God for themselves. In humility we see greatness! Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have charged me with the mission to share your love and grace with others. Help me to serve you and others with humility. Amen.


1st Sunday of Advent

SEEING Recognising the Light 1st Sunday in Advent Read: John 1:1-14

“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” John 1:9 (NIV) Recently when travelling up the coast of Queensland, we happened to come across some amazing caves just outside of Rockhampton – the Capricorn Caves. They are Queensland’s oldest tourist attraction, opening to visitors in the early 1880’s.

These limestone caves are privately owned and are truly a wonder with many adventures – rock climbing, abseiling, fossicking and caving. Not that we did all these things, but what amazed me was the Cathedral Cave that had been set up as a chapel. Pews had been set up and with the natural acoustics the music played for us was ‘heavenly’. Many weddings are held here, and orchestras and music bands hold events in this room. When the lights were extinguished and music was played my senses took a tumble. The absence of light was filled with the presence of music.

When one sense (sight) was deprived, the other senses (hearing, smelling and touch) took over. Many times, we take for granted our senses that fill our lives with a certain quality of life. God gave us these senses to fill our lives and give us quality experiences. In the Book of John, John begins not in the normal way with the story of the nativity, but rather fills our senses with the understanding of who Jesus really was and why He was coming into the world.

Jesus is referred to as the light and it is through being in the light that we see Him best. In the darkness we cannot recognise anything well and can make mistakes and have accidents, but it is when we are filled and surrounded with light, the light of Jesus, that all becomes clear. “Life was in him [Jesus], and that life was the light for all people.” John 1:4 (NIRV) Jesus is our light, and it is when we see everything through the lens of Jesus, that we can live our lives to the full. Experience Jesus this Advent through seeing who Jesus is and why He has come into the world. Live in the light of Jesus! Prayer: Thank you Father for filling my life with your light. Through this light may I be able to see and understand your love and grace that comes to me every day. Amen


Advent Devotion Booklet 2023

Experiencing Jesus Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and continues to Epiphany on January 6th. The season of Christmas is almost a time of sensory overload. We see all the lights and the decorations - do we see the little child in the manger? We smell all the amazing food that is prepared; the biscuits baked, the plum pudding soaking and the turkey cooking – do we smell the hay or the animals in the stable or the smelly shepherds? We touch the presents and wrap them under the tree – do we feel the softness of a newborn baby? We taste and speak of holidays and culinary delights – do we speak of God’s Son born for the world? We hear the carols and Christmas songs and the laughter and the Ho Ho Ho of Santa – do we really hear the words of the Christmas songs sung of Jesus’ birth? Each week of these devotionals, the focus will be on a different sense to experience all that God gave to us in the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. May you use these devotionals to experience Christmas in a different way and help you understand why we worship such a tiny baby. May they strengthen your faith and grow your understanding of God’s immense love. Each devotion contains a short reflection, Bible reading and prayer. I would encourage you to read the Bible readings with the devotion as you see, smell, touch, taste/speak and hear God’s grace through “Experiencing Jesus”. May you experience Christmas with your family in a different way this year!


Waiting for mercy

Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (Jude 21).

Read Jude 17–25

The news hasn’t got any better today. Not only are nations still hating each other, destroying the planet, and putting money before people, but people are also laughing about God (verse 18).

It’s not easy being a Christian today. There are so many varieties that you have to define yourself, so people know which ‘camp’ you are in! And people are laughing about – and at – God. What hope is there? Well, as yesterday’s verse told us, love, mercy and peace are yours!

And that’s re-iterated at the end of this short letter from Jude. Remain in God’s love; wait for the mercy of Jesus. But perhaps our immediate thought is that of the many psalmists: How long, O Lord? How long do we have to wait? How many tragedies, disasters and wars must occur before your mercy arrives and takes over?

I take great comfort in the fact that Jesus only lived as a human being on earth for 33 years, and his ministry took place in three short years. It would seem to me that there would have been a bit of waiting at that time. Waiting for the opportunity to use his divine power. Waiting for the disciples to get it! Waiting for the Pharisees to become humble. Waiting to be arrested (and sweating blood while praying, in the meantime). Waiting to die!

How are you at waiting? I’m not so good (although hopefully I’ve improved as I’ve aged!). Waiting can be painful. Waiting can be the pits. Waiting can seem useless. How long, O Lord? But waiting reveals mercy. Waiting allows for re-creation. Waiting brings new life. Waiting brings hope. Waiting brings peace. Waiting reveals love in action.

In fact, waiting lets us know that mercy has been present all along. God has been walking with us – waiting with us (or perhaps for us). Jesus did die eventually! And, of course, rose again, so the mercy he had demonstrated during his time on earth could continue to be a sweet salve for each of us for all time.

Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy; thank you, God, for your patience. Amen.

Peter is often out tending his garden – with 83 fruit and nut trees and extensive native bushes, he says there is a lot to do! Other times, he will be walking his dog, reading (too many books at a time), enjoying his family (15 grandchildren!), and occasionally writing – poetry, opinion pieces, devotions! To keep out of mischief, he is currently teaching himself to play the piano and is writing a paraphrase of each psalm. You can read these on his website, Creative Walking


Mercy, peace and love – or judgement

Mercy, peace and love be yours richly (Jude 2).

Read Jude 1–16

If you read this whole Jude passage, it is easy to be horrified at what was happening. Today, it is easy to be horrified at what is occurring in the world. As I write, the horrific happenings in Israel and Gaza are headline news, there’s been another mass shooting in the USA, and civil war continues in Sudan. Closer to home, we have political lie after political lie; we continue to treat fellow human beings seeking asylum monstrously; governments continue to approve coal mines as the West Antarctic Ice reaches melting point; another Indigenous youth has died in captivity; three women have been killed in Australia this week by their partner (making 51 so far this year). If we are not horrified at the world we live in, we are not alive!

But mercy, peace and love still exist! Gifts of safety (verse one) from God through Jesus. Despite the horrors of the society in which we live – and possibly in your own personal world – there is still mercy, peace and love.

Mercy lets us know that no matter our situation, how bad we feel, or how awkward we are with others, the God of steadfast love shows mercy and brings mercy into our lives. Mercy restores and refreshes us. Mercy re-creates who we are. It keeps us safe in Jesus.

Peace is far beyond all human understanding (Philippians 4:7). Peace – shalom in Hebrew – encompasses wholeness, courage, a life worth living, generosity, confidence, community – and much more. Peace from the Prince of Peace. It settles any anxiety and doubt and helps us move on in life.

Love is the greatest of all (1 Corinthians 13). Love binds us together; love looks beyond mistakes and offence; love so freely given to us; love available to share with no limits. It allows us to act in positive ways we did not even know we had in us. Love conquers all.

It’s okay to be horrified by the things happening in the world. It’s easy – and sometimes we are too quick – to pass judgement. Remember, mercy, peace and love are yours – to encourage and strengthen you and remind you of the Creator’s love; they are also yours to share – with anyone and everyone.

I think I would rather share mercy, peace and love than judgement.

Lord God, we can become overwhelmed by many things; keep us safe; help us to live in your mercy, peace and love – and share them widely. Amen.

Peter is often out tending his garden – with 83 fruit and nut trees and extensive native bushes, he says there is a lot to do! Other times, he will be walking his dog, reading (too many books at a time), enjoying his family (15 grandchildren!), and occasionally writing – poetry, opinion pieces, devotions! To keep out of mischief, he is currently teaching himself to play the piano and is writing a paraphrase of each psalm. You can read these on his website, Creative Walking
